
  • 為支援以中文為第二語言的學童,本園特安排部份老師接受「非華語幼兒的學與教」及「多元文化兒童中文學習」教師培訓。在校內提供語境及有系統的課程及教材,解決學童學習中文的困難,提升其學習的動力及興趣,建立自尊和自信,並配合家長活動,增強融入社會的動力,讓學童不受種族影響,得到均等教育的機會。
  • 有關香港幼稚園教育,可向教育局查詢。

    •  網頁https://www.edb.gov.hk/k1-admission_e
    •  查詢熱線: 2892 6676

Education Services for Non-Chinese Speaking Children

  • Learning and Teaching for Non- Chinese Speaking Children
  • Chinese Learning for Multicultural Children

The trainings listed above equips our educators to provide contextual and systematic teaching materials in the school, in hopes to solve any difficulties Non-Chinese Speaking students might experience when learning Chinese.  By cooperating with parents and ensuring a positive and inclusive learning environment is in place, we can enhance student’s interest in learning and heighten the motivation to integrate into society, so that students are not affected by cultural differences and receive equal educational opportunities.

  • For further information and general enquiries about Admission Arrangements for K1 Classes in Hong Kong Kindergartens, please visit or contact The Education Department Bureau (EDB)
    •  Website: https://www.edb.gov.hk/k1-admission_e

    •  Hotline: 2892 6676

長康街校舍Cheung Hong Street Campus
(幼兒班、低班、高班)(K1, K2 and K3)

  • 地址 :


    Part of G-2/F., 11 Cheung Hong Street,
    North Point, Hong Kong

    電話 :

    2571 9015

    傳真 :

    3580 2940

    電郵 :

    [email protected]

炮台山校舍Fortress Hill Campus
(幼兒小組) (Pre-Nursery)

  • 地址 :


    1/F, Princess Mansion, 165 King’s Road,
    North Point, Hong Kong

    電話 :

    2578 7913

    傳真 :

    2571 9988

    電郵 :

    [email protected]
